Positive Pandemic Parent Post!

First, I know that I have shared the plight of parents trying to motivate and manage their children during the pandemic. I am as pleased as  punch to share an inspiring story. An acquaintance of mine a high  school administrator has two highly motivated and very self-directed young teens. These fabulous young folks are grade A entrepreneurs!

His son a high school junior,  started buying an unusual number of athletic shoes and “street wear”apparel.  My friend didn’t give the transactions a second thought…until his son  flipped the items and made a profit.  During the summer his son made more money working a few days than he would have flipping burgers all summer.  His daughter, an 8th grader,

 motivated by her love of dance started teaching younger dancers in his garage. I smell a profitable reality show or a Zoom tutorial for youthful entrepreneurs.

Whew! Is this one guy lucky or what?

Second, I attend a local baptist church. One Sunday I over heard a conversation that made my retired educator’s heart jump for joy.  A grandmother was recounting the home front efforts ofadult family members holding their students accountable during the pandemic onlineschooling. Designated adults shared assigned tasks and responsibilities.

The grandmother’s role; hall monitor and lunch lady.  Her daughter was assigned as the classroom monitor over seeing her student’s progress and making sure that  all students are focused and on task.

 An uncle was in charge of  passing out and collecting school supplies. While a tech savvy aunt handled any laptop situations. What a unified dedication of commitment  to their dear home bound students. My heart soared with pride. Bravo! I applaud their efforts and lift them up as shining examples of what can be accomplished.

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